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Practice-Changing Presentations at GOLD Lactation Online Conference!  (April 1 to June 3, 2019)

  • 01 Apr 2019
  • 03 Jun 2019

A message from GOLD Learning!

What's our recipe for your educational success? First we combine 26 expert speakers presenting 27 evidence-based talks worth 27.5 CERPs/CEUs. Then we add an audience of over 2800 enthusiastic breastfeeding educators from 75 countries. Finally, we sprinkle in lively discussions, convenient on-demand access, reduced economic barriers and an energetic education team devoted to furthering outcomes in our field! It's a Truly GOLD Experience

Early Bird Registration is now open with door prize giveaways taking place over the next several weeks. Take advantage of reduced pricing while getting automatically entered for our prize drawings which include iPads, books, gift cards and more. Visit to learn more.

PLUS – Enjoy 2 upcoming public webinars:

1) Celebrate IBCLC Day & Earn 1 L-CERP: Unraveling the Mysteries of Human Milk: The Fascinating Role of Neohormones, Epigenetics, the Microbiome and More! by Laurel Wilson, IBCLC, RLC, BSc, CLE, CCCE – Access your complimentary registration here.

2) GOLD Lactation 2019 Opening Keynote: Does Breastfeeding Protect Maternal Mental Health? The Role of Oxytocin and Stress by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PHD, IBCLC, FAPA – Reserve your seat here.

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