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Advertise with clca

Advertising OPTIONS for LACTATION educators:

CLCA welcomes all WHO code compliant educators to apply for advertisement opportunities with CLCA which includes the following options: 

  • 1 Year (12 months) listings on the Educators page
  • 1 Advertisement article in each of the quarterly CLCA Newsletters (four per year)
  • 1 Social media postings via Facebook & Twitter (once a quarter)

Have more questions or interested in advertising with us? Contact

Advertising OPTIONS for Lactation Consultants & JOB POSTINGS:

  • A promotional post on CLCA's social media pages (includes Facebook & Instagram)
  • Lactation Consultant Job Postings Board on CLCA's website
  • Advertisement article in the CLCA Newsletter 

Advertising with CLCA is subject to approval by the CLCA Board of Directors.

Interested in advertising? Submit your request to

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